(Traducción del documento oficial en inglés con Google Translator, si existe algún fallo de traducción disculpen las molestias, se ha revisado la traducción, para que su interpretación sea lo más precisa posible)
Measure Date
1. Provide data needed for
monitoring the entire
banking sector and of banks
of specific interest due to
their systemic nature or
condition (Annex 1).
Regularly throughout the
programme, starting end-
2. Prepare restructuring or
resolution plans with the
EC for Group 1 banks, to
be finalised in light of the
Stress Tests results in time
to allow their approval by
the Commission in
July 2012 - mid August
3. Finalise the proposal for
enhancement and
harmonisation of disclosure
requirements for all credit
institutions on key areas of
the portfolios such as
restructured and refinanced
loans and sectoral
End-July 2012
4. Provide information
required for the Stress Test
to the consultant, including
the results of the asset
quality review.
Mid-August 2012
5. Introduce legislation to
introduce the effectiveness
of SLEs, including to allow
for mandatory SLEs.
End-August 2012
6. Upgrade of the bank
resolution framework, i.e.
strengthen the resolution
powers of the FROB and
End-August 2012
7. Prepare a comprehensive
blueprint and legislative
framework for the
establishment and
functioning of the AMC.
End-August 2012
8. Complete bank-by-bank
stress test (Stress Test).
Second half of September
9. Finalise a regulatory
proposal on enhancing
transparency of banks
End September 2012
10. Banks with significant
capital shortfalls will
conduct SLEs.
before capital injections in
Oct./Dec. 2012
11. Banks to draw up
recapitalisation plans to
indicate how capital
shortfalls will be filled.
Early-October 2012
12. Present restructuring or
resolution plans to the EC
for Group 2 banks.
October 2012
13. Identify possibilities to
further enhance the areas in
which the Banco de España
can issue binding guidelines
or interpretations without
regulatory empowerment.
End October 2012
14. Conduct an internal review
of supervisory and
decision-making processes.
Propose changes in
procedures in order to
guarantee timely adoption
of remedial actions for
addressing problems
detected at an early stage by
on-site inspection teams.
Ensure that macroprudential
supervision will
properly feed into the micro
supervision process and
adequate policy responses..
End-October 2012
15. Adopt legislation for the
establishment and
functioning of the AMC in
order to make it fully
operational by November
Autumn 2012
16. Submit for consultation
with stakeholders envisaged
enhancements of the credit
End-October 2012
17. Prepare proposals for the
strengthening of non-bank
financial intermediation
including capital market
funding and venture capital.
Mid-November 2012
18. Propose measures to
strengthen fit and proper
rules for the governing
bodies of savings banks
and introduce
requirements regarding
governing bodies of former
savings banks and
commercial banks
controlled by them.
End-November 2012
19. Provide a roadmap
(including justified
exceptions) for the eventual
listing of banks included in
the stress test which have
benefited from state aid as
part of the restructuring
End-November 2012
20. Prepare legislation
clarifying the role of
savings banks in their
capacity as shareholders of
credit institutions with a
view to eventually reducing
their stakes to noncontrolling
levels. Propose
measures to strengthen fit
and proper rules for the
governing bodies of
savings banks and
introduce incompatibility
requirements regarding the
governing bodies of the
former savings banks and
the commercial banks
controlled by them. Provide
a roadmap for the eventual
listing of banks included in
the Stress Test, which have
benefited from State aid as
part of the restructuring
End-November 2012
21. Banks to provide
standardised quarterly
balance sheet forecasts
funding plans for credit
institutions receiving state
aid or for which capital
shortfalls will be revealed in
the bottom-up stress test.
As of 1 December 2012
22. Submit a policy document
on the amendment of the
provisioning framework if
and once Royal Decree
Laws 2/2012 and 18/2012
cease to apply.
Mid-December 2012
23. Issues CoCos under the
recapitalisation scheme for
Group 3 banks planning a
significant (more than 2%
of RWA) equity raise.
End-December 2012
24. Transfer the sanctioning
and licensing powers of the
Ministry of Economy to the
Banco de España.
End-December 2012
25. Require credit institutions to
review, and if necessary,
prepare and implement
strategies for dealing with
asset impairments.
End-December 2012
26. Require all Spanish credit
institutions to meet a
Common Equity Tier 1 ratio
of at least 9% until at least
end-2014. Require all
Spanish credit institutions
to apply the definition of
capital established in the
Capital Requirements
Regulation (CRR),
observing the gradual
phase-in period foreseen in
the future CRR, to calculate
their minimum capital
requirements established in
the EU legislation.
1 January 2013
27. Review governance
arrangements of the FROB
and ensure that active
bankers will not be
members of the Governing
Bodies of FROB.
1 January 2013
28. Review the issues of credit
concentration and related
party transactions.
Mid-January 2013
29. Propose specific legislation
to limit the sale by banks of
subordinate debt
instruments to non-qualified
retail clients and to
substantially improve the
process for the sale of any
instruments not covered by
the deposit guarantee fund
to retail clients.
End-February 2013
30 Amend legislation for the
enhancement of the credit
End-March 2013
31. Raise the required capital
for banks planning a more
limited (less than 2% of
RWA) increase in equity.
End-June 2013
32 Group 3 banks with CoCos
to present restructuring
Measure Date
1. Provide data needed for
monitoring the entire
banking sector and of banks
of specific interest due to
their systemic nature or
condition (Annex 1).
Regularly throughout the
programme, starting end-
2. Prepare restructuring or
resolution plans with the
EC for Group 1 banks, to
be finalised in light of the
Stress Tests results in time
to allow their approval by
the Commission in
July 2012 - mid August
3. Finalise the proposal for
enhancement and
harmonisation of disclosure
requirements for all credit
institutions on key areas of
the portfolios such as
restructured and refinanced
loans and sectoral
End-July 2012
4. Provide information
required for the Stress Test
to the consultant, including
the results of the asset
quality review.
Mid-August 2012
5. Introduce legislation to
introduce the effectiveness
of SLEs, including to allow
for mandatory SLEs.
End-August 2012
6. Upgrade of the bank
resolution framework, i.e.
strengthen the resolution
powers of the FROB and
End-August 2012
7. Prepare a comprehensive
blueprint and legislative
framework for the
establishment and
functioning of the AMC.
End-August 2012
8. Complete bank-by-bank
stress test (Stress Test).
Second half of September
9. Finalise a regulatory
proposal on enhancing
transparency of banks
End September 2012
10. Banks with significant
capital shortfalls will
conduct SLEs.
before capital injections in
Oct./Dec. 2012
11. Banks to draw up
recapitalisation plans to
indicate how capital
shortfalls will be filled.
Early-October 2012
12. Present restructuring or
resolution plans to the EC
for Group 2 banks.
October 2012
13. Identify possibilities to
further enhance the areas in
which the Banco de España
can issue binding guidelines
or interpretations without
regulatory empowerment.
End October 2012
14. Conduct an internal review
of supervisory and
decision-making processes.
Propose changes in
procedures in order to
guarantee timely adoption
of remedial actions for
addressing problems
detected at an early stage by
on-site inspection teams.
Ensure that macroprudential
supervision will
properly feed into the micro
supervision process and
adequate policy responses..
End-October 2012
15. Adopt legislation for the
establishment and
functioning of the AMC in
order to make it fully
operational by November
Autumn 2012
16. Submit for consultation
with stakeholders envisaged
enhancements of the credit
End-October 2012
17. Prepare proposals for the
strengthening of non-bank
financial intermediation
including capital market
funding and venture capital.
Mid-November 2012
18. Propose measures to
strengthen fit and proper
rules for the governing
bodies of savings banks
and introduce
requirements regarding
governing bodies of former
savings banks and
commercial banks
controlled by them.
End-November 2012
19. Provide a roadmap
(including justified
exceptions) for the eventual
listing of banks included in
the stress test which have
benefited from state aid as
part of the restructuring
End-November 2012
20. Prepare legislation
clarifying the role of
savings banks in their
capacity as shareholders of
credit institutions with a
view to eventually reducing
their stakes to noncontrolling
levels. Propose
measures to strengthen fit
and proper rules for the
governing bodies of
savings banks and
introduce incompatibility
requirements regarding the
governing bodies of the
former savings banks and
the commercial banks
controlled by them. Provide
a roadmap for the eventual
listing of banks included in
the Stress Test, which have
benefited from State aid as
part of the restructuring
End-November 2012
21. Banks to provide
standardised quarterly
balance sheet forecasts
funding plans for credit
institutions receiving state
aid or for which capital
shortfalls will be revealed in
the bottom-up stress test.
As of 1 December 2012
22. Submit a policy document
on the amendment of the
provisioning framework if
and once Royal Decree
Laws 2/2012 and 18/2012
cease to apply.
Mid-December 2012
23. Issues CoCos under the
recapitalisation scheme for
Group 3 banks planning a
significant (more than 2%
of RWA) equity raise.
End-December 2012
24. Transfer the sanctioning
and licensing powers of the
Ministry of Economy to the
Banco de España.
End-December 2012
25. Require credit institutions to
review, and if necessary,
prepare and implement
strategies for dealing with
asset impairments.
End-December 2012
26. Require all Spanish credit
institutions to meet a
Common Equity Tier 1 ratio
of at least 9% until at least
end-2014. Require all
Spanish credit institutions
to apply the definition of
capital established in the
Capital Requirements
Regulation (CRR),
observing the gradual
phase-in period foreseen in
the future CRR, to calculate
their minimum capital
requirements established in
the EU legislation.
1 January 2013
27. Review governance
arrangements of the FROB
and ensure that active
bankers will not be
members of the Governing
Bodies of FROB.
1 January 2013
28. Review the issues of credit
concentration and related
party transactions.
Mid-January 2013
29. Propose specific legislation
to limit the sale by banks of
subordinate debt
instruments to non-qualified
retail clients and to
substantially improve the
process for the sale of any
instruments not covered by
the deposit guarantee fund
to retail clients.
End-February 2013
30 Amend legislation for the
enhancement of the credit
End-March 2013
31. Raise the required capital
for banks planning a more
limited (less than 2% of
RWA) increase in equity.
End-June 2013
32 Group 3 banks with CoCos
to present restructuring
Proporcionar los datos necesarios paraseguimiento de la totalidad del sector bancario y de los bancos de especial interés debido a su naturaleza sistémica o condición (Anexo 1). Regularmente a lo largo del programa, al final de partidaJulio
2. Preparar la reestructuración o resolución planea con elDe la CE para los bancos del Grupo 1, parase finalizará la luz de las Pruebas de estrés resultados en tiempo para permitir su aprobación por la Comisión en Noviembre.Julio 2012 - mediados de agosto
3. Finalizar la propuesta dela mejora y armonización de la divulgación requisitos para todo el crédito instituciones en las áreas clave delas carteras, tales como reestructurada y refinanciada préstamos y sectoriales concentración.Final-07 2012
4. Proporcionar la información necesaria para la prueba de esfuerzo al consultor, incluyendo los resultados de la revisión de la calidad.Mediados de agosto 2012
5. Introducir una legislación para introducir la eficacia de SLES, incluyendo para permitir para SLES obligatorios.Final-08 2012
6. La actualización de la orilla resolución marco, es decir,fortalecer la resolución poderes del FROB y FGD.Final-08 2012
7. Preparar un amplio proyecto y marco legislativo para el establecimiento y el funcionamiento de la AMC.Final-08 2012
8. Completa el banco por banco prueba de esfuerzo (Stress Test).Segunda quincena de septiembre 2012
9. Finalizar un marco regulatorio propuesta sobre la mejora de transparencia de los bancos Fin de septiembre 2012
10. Los bancos con importantes déficit de capital realizar SLES.antes de las inyecciones de capital en Octubre / diciembre 2012
11. Bancos la elaboración de planes de recapitalización en los que deben indicar cómo serán saciadas las deficiencias de capital .Temprano-10 2012
12. La reestructuración actual o resolución de los planes de la CEGrupo 2 para los bancos.10 2012
13. Identificar las posibilidades de mejorar aún más las áreas en las que el Banco de España puede emitir directrices vinculantes o interpretaciones sin reguladora empoderamiento.Fin de octubre 2012
14. Llevar a cabo una revisión interna de supervisión y los procesos de decisión. Proponer cambios en los procedimientos con el fin de garantizar la adopción oportuna de las medidas correctivas para abordar los problemas detectados en una etapa temprana en el lugar de los equipos de inspección. Asegúrese de que macroprudencial la supervisión sea adecuada alimentación en el microsupervisión y proceso respuestas políticas adecuadas ..Final-10 2012
15. Adoptar la legislación para laestablecimiento yel funcionamiento de la AMC enfin de que sea plenamenteen funcionamiento en noviembre2012.Otoño 2012
16. Someter a consultacon las partes interesadas previstamejoras del créditoregistrarse.Final-10 2012
17. Elaborar propuestas para lael fortalecimiento de las entidades no bancariasintermediación financieraincluyendo el mercado de capitalesfinanciación y capital de riesgo.Mediados de noviembre 2012
18. Proponer medidas parafortalecer la competencia y honorabilidadreglas para el gobiernolos órganos de las cajas de ahorrose introducirincompatibilidadrequisitos en materia deórganos de gobierno del excajas de ahorro ylos bancos comercialescontrolados por ellos.Final-11 2012
19. Proporcionar una hoja de ruta(Incluyendo justificadaexcepciones) para la eventuallistado de los bancos incluidos enla prueba de esfuerzo que tienenbeneficiado de las ayudas estatalesparte de la reestructuraciónproceso.Final-11 2012
20. Preparar la legislaciónclarificación del papel delas cajas de ahorros en sucondición de accionistas delas entidades de crédito con uncon miras a reducir el tiemposu participación no controladora enlos niveles. Proponermedidas para fortalecer encajany las normas adecuadas para laórganos de gobierno decajas de ahorro yintroducir la incompatibilidadrequisitos relativos a laórganos rectores de lalas cajas de ahorros y exlos bancos comercialescontrolados por ellos. Proporcionaruna hoja de ruta para la eventuallistado de los bancos incluidos enla prueba de esfuerzo, que tienenbeneficiado de las ayudas de Estadoparte de la reestructuraciónproceso de ..Final-11 2012
21. Bancos para proporcionarestandarizada trimestralequilibrar las previsiones de hojaplanes de financiación para el créditoinstituciones que reciben del Estadode ayudas o de que el capitaldéficit se dará a conocer en elabajo hacia arriba prueba de esfuerzo.A partir del 01 de diciembre 2012
22. Presentar un documento de políticasobre la modificación de laaprovisionamiento marco siy el Decreto Real, una vezLa ley 2/2012 y 18/2012dejará de aplicarse.Mediados de diciembre 2012
23. Temas de Cocos bajo laesquema de recapitalizaciónGrupo 3 bancos que planean unasignificativa (más del 2%de los APR) la equidad de aumento de sueldo.Fin a diciembre de 2012
24. Transferencia de la sancióny los poderes de la concesión de licenciasMinisterio de Economía a laBanco de España.Fin a diciembre de 2012
25. Requerir a las entidades de créditorevisar, y si es necesario,preparar y aplicarestrategias para tratar condeterioro de activos.Fin a diciembre de 2012
26. Exigir que todo el crédito españolasinstituciones para cumplir con una Equidad Común Tier 1de al menos 9% hasta por lo menosextremo-2014. Exigir que todos losEntidades de crédito españolasaplicar la definición de capital establecido en elRequisitos de capitalReglamento (CRR),observando la gradualperiodo de transición previsto en ella CRR futuro, para calcularsu capital mínimorequisitos establecidos en ella legislación de la UE.01 de enero 2013.
27. Examen de la gobernanzalos acuerdos del FROBy asegúrese de que activabanqueros no serámiembros del Consejo deÓrganos de FROB.01 de enero 2013.
28. Revise los problemas de créditoconcentración y afineslas transacciones entre partes.A mediados de enero 2013
29. Proponer una legislación específicapara limitar la venta por los bancos dela deuda subordinadainstrumentos a la no calificadalos clientes al por menor y almejorar sustancialmente laproceso para la venta de cualquierinstrumentos no cubierta porel fondo de garantía de depósitosa los clientes minoristas.Final-02 2013
30 Modificar la legislación para lamejora del créditoregistrarse.Final-03 2013
31. Recaudar el capital requerido para los bancos que planean una mayor limitado (menos de 2% deRWA) incremento en el patrimonio.Fin a junio de 2013
32 del Grupo 3 bancos con CoCospara presentar la reestructuración planes.
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